Condominium owners across the country are facing a paralyzing problem: They can’t sell their properties because of a ...
More than 700 homes in California have been placed on a "mortgage blacklist." A "mortgage blacklist" is an unofficial term ...
Condominium owners are having trouble selling their properties due to a fast-growing and mostly secret mortgage blacklist, Jean Eaglesham and ...
If a condo is on the Fannie Mae "blacklist," it’s harder for potential buyers to get a mortgage, making it nearly impossible ...
The agency refuses to back mortgages for properties that it deems to be underinsured or have underfunded reserves.
A secret mortgage blacklist is leaving thousands of condo owners unable to sell their homes. The list is compiled by mortgage underwriters Fannie Mae and has been expanded dramatically in response ...
California has 685 condo complexes on the blacklist, which makes getting government-backed loans nearly impossible.
The blacklisting of condominium/condo associations by financial institutions and insurance providers has emerged as a pressing issue in the ...
The federally sponsored mortgage financing firm has included 438 condominium complexes across a five-county region in its do-not-lend “blacklist,” the Orange County Register reported ...
Condominium owners across the country are facing a paralyzing problem: They can’t sell their properties because of a fast-growing and mostly secret mortgage blacklist. Real-estate agent Paul ...
A secret mortgage blacklist is leaving thousands of condo owners unable to sell their homes. The list is compiled by mortgage underwriters Fannie Mae and has been expanded dramatically in response to ...