Prince Aegon (who's been lurking around as a prisoner) levels up to King Aegon III after his uncle's poisoning, and—in a surprising twist—he marries Princess Jaehaera (aka King Aegon II's ...
Not all Targaryen Kings were competent, but some, like Aegon III, ruled fairly with a focus on the smallfolk. Aegon the ...
Since Aegon III is just a toddler in season one, episode eight, with Aegon II in his 20s, the books refer to him as Aegon the Younger. So Aegon the Elder is Alicent's son with Viserys, and Aegon ...
Aegon meets its increased guidance of EUR 1.2 billion for 2024 Capital ratios of Aegon’s main units remain above their respective operating levels and Cash Capital at Holding at EUR 1.7 billion ...