These algae were thought to "fix" nitrogen - convert ... have now shown that this bacterium has evolved into a new cellular structure, or organelle. It is the first known nitrogen-fixing organelle ...
Algae don't get the credit or attention they ... from simply coming together and agreeing on ways in which we can add structure to our field to better facilitate information sharing." ...
Unlike those other complicated land-based organisms that use photosynthesis, algae don’t need to build any structure to hold themselves up or collect sunlight; it floats. The real goal of the ...
How does multicellularity evolve? Scientists who study a family of green algae that includes unicellular Chlamydomonas and multicellular Volvox are beginning to find answers to this question.
“This work confirms what many have expected based on the existing, though sparse fossil record, which is that green algae likely existed about a billion years ago.” P. antiquus was a marine, ...
New university research shows how algae could be used to treat water polluted with chemicals from the textiles industry ...