The puppets, unearthed in El Salvador, have movable heads, strange facial expressions and may have been dressed for ritual roles.
Bonampak means "painted walls" in Maya, and the site is known for just that: beautiful murals depicting the life of the ancient Maya. The three-roomed Templo de las Pinturas has remarkably well ...
“For the Classic Maya, in many ways, clothing defined personhood,” says Alyce de Carteret, a fellow in Art of the Ancient Americas at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. “Numerous aspects ...
create art, heal and cultivate farmlands to feed a growing population. The goddess Ix Chel was a grandmotherly figure for the ...
Warfare and trade were important aspects of Maya society and so was art and architecture. This is the ancient city of Tikal. 1300 years ago it would have been called 'Yax Mutal' and was home to ...
The ancient Maya feel alive everywhere you look ... “A missing piece of the puzzle fits into place,” Golden says. ART TREASURE: A stela found at the Sak Tz’i’ site, which Golden believes is as ...
Known by the ancient Maya people as Lakamha ... Cinnabar was used as a pigment in Maya art, and its red color may have been regarded as sacred. Evidence of its use in funeral rites has been ...
We also have other types of art too…our pottery ... Yax Mutal' was one of the most powerful cities of the ancient Maya. You are now standing in Palenque, which the ancient Mayas called 'big ...
The ancient Maya also mastered astronomy, mathematics, art and architecture, and a glyph system of writing on stone, ceramics, and paper. Using the labels on or below the map below, visit 15 of ...