The one-of-a-kind kimono-style cardigan, with its unique sleeve structure and two front ties, became an instant hit – ...
Gaya hidup minimalis makin hits di kalangan anak muda. Selain bikin hidup lebih simpel, minimalisme jadi solusi untuk ...
INCORPORATING BATIK INTO DAILY LIFE “One approach is to design batik clothing that aligns with the lifestyle of the younger generation. For example, as many workplaces transition to business ...
"For over 30 years, through Antik Batik, I have celebrated the artisans ... The result includes a hand-printed cotton blouse ...
Sahabat Fimela, maksimalkan pesona Lebaranmu dengan tips padu padan batik modern dan elegan, dari pemilihan model hingga ...
Dari kasual chic sampai elegan, temukan inspirasi busana terbaik untuk buka puasa bersama yang bikin kamu tampil percaya diri!
In celebration of the start of Ramandhan, Kapten Batik reveals the Suasana collection, capturing the essence of home and ...
KUALA LUMPUR: Batik motifs have captured the hearts of young people not only through clothing, but now also in women’s accessories through various handicraft techniques. Dayang Nur Syafiqah M.
A woman craft entrepreneur from Tangkak dreams of making Johor Batik, which features motifs representing the state's ...