Colombian police apprehended a 40-year-old man attempting to smuggle several bags of cocaine concealed beneath a meticulously attached toupee.
Some $10,495-worth of drugs was hidden beneath the narco-wig, police said, and the suspect was arrested for trafficking.
MOUNT PLESANT, S.C. (WCIV) — The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division has officially charged a former Mount Pleasant ...
Gargiulo then allegedly provided advice on how the airfreighted 6.9kg cocaine package – with an estimated street value of $1.3million - could get through customs. Commisso and Gargiulo ...
"I am not asking you to forgive me," Arturo Aleman told a federal judge. He's the latest public figure in Progreso to be ...
A Trussville man has been sentenced to four years in prison for drug trafficking, according to U.S. Attorney Prim F. Escalona ...
Gang members who used a small aircraft to drop cocaine packages in the Dorset countryside have been convicted of drugs offences ...
Misdelivered package led to firing and arrest of Mount Pleasant Officer Andrew Hoyt Rowell IV for cocaine possession, ...
States of Jersey Police Police said a package holding 66g of cocaine had been posted to the holiday property McLaren and Gilani were staying in Officers said McLaren and Gilani had stayed in ...
South Carolina’s top law enforcement agency announced Thursday charges against a former Mount Pleasant officer. Andrew Rowell, 40, was fired from the Mount Pleasant ...