Then, 'simply place pothos cuttings in water with other plant cuttings to benefit from its rooting properties,' Alex explains. I ...
It's important to choose a healthy stem for propagating your weeping fig as using a weak stem may grow a weaker new plant or ...
Propagation is a great way to grow your houseplant collection and expand your indoor gardening skills. Here’s how to do it right, according to a plant expert. As far as your plants’ needs are ...
It’s officially spring, which means I’m starting to think about what to plant in the garden. Coleus is one of my favorite ...
"It can be disheartening to see your plants and flowers dwindling after winter, propagation is the best way to bring your ...
Make (free!) baby plants! Learn about 13 plants that grow from cuttings, plus get super-easy plant cutting propagation tips for each one to ensure success ...
Root cuttings need reasonable compost, a moderate but steady temperature, space and a little patience. But, unlike stem or leaf cuttings, root cuttings develop underground so you can't see what's ...
Before the cuttings had the chance to dry out, I would dip the lower inch of each stem in a shallow dish of water and then ...
There are several important factors which affect the propagation of sound: geometric spreading, atmospheric effects, and surface effects. These are discussed separately below. Attenuation from a point ...
Taking hardwood cuttings is easy and often the only way to propagate many trees and shrubs. Follow our guide to turning a hardwood stem into a vigorous new plant. Take hardwood cuttings at the end ...