An abandoned lifeguard cabin, a rusty pier and mangled umbrellas are all that is left of Ein Gedi, once Israel's flagship beach drawing international tourists to float in the world-famous waters of ...
The mineral wealth of the Dead Sea, the reputed bed of Sodom and Gemorrah, is estimated to be eight hundred million pounds Sterling and equivalent of $4,000,000,000, a sum which would be ...
A few years ago Ricardo Braz was scrolling through Instagram when he spotted a picture of a tiny island made of salt in the Dead Sea. He added it to his bucket list. In December the 24-year-old ...
Thomas worked as security guard in Kuwait for three years before returning to Kerala An ambulance in Ein Tamar in southern Israel near Jordan border at the southern tip of the Dead Sea.
Introduction Half a century has now passed since a bedouin shepherd discovered a long-hidden cache of scrolls in a cave in cliffs above the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea. The details of that ...