The Ohio House has voted to repeal the remaining aspects of the corrupt legislation that forces ratepayers to spend hundreds of millions per year on an out-of-state and unprofitable coal plant.
Like the Ohio Senate’s version, the bill includes an immediate rollback of controversial subsidies to two aging power plants.
Senate Bill 261 would eliminate the 2030 deadline for Duke Energy to reduce carbon emissions by 70% and allow it to charge customers for power plants not yet built. Proponents argue the bill will ...
Duke Energy Ohio’s retreat is the latest chapter in a struggle to restore utility-run energy-saving programs that were ...
Duke Energy Florida launched three new programs March 18 that it says will incentivize customers to more easily access ...
Fairfield homeowners are among more than two dozen Ohio area residents who should prepare for sticker shock when it comes to ...
Electric utility stocks are ... nearly $90 million was provided in energy bill assistance to North Carolina customers, aiding ... Duke Energy (DUK) has been one of the stocks most watched by ...