Germany’s conservative Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) won Sunday’s election as voters rebuked the nation’s left-leaning government for its handling of the economy and immigration. Voters gave ...
The map actually shows the results of the European Parliament election in June 2024. There are a number of differences between the results of this election and the recent federal election. A map of ...
An astounding map that has emerged from Germany’s general election has shown just how divided the nation at the heart of Europe is.
An analysis of Germany’s election data shows that Sunday’s vote was historic for several reasons. Five key observations show how the country's politics are changing.
In 2021, the SPD won on both ends of Germany’s decades-old and persistent East-West divide. But as the socialists beat a retreat in Sunday’s election, that gap became glaringly visible once more. In a ...
won 28.5% of the vote in Sunday’s election, 8% ahead of the second place Alternative for Germany Party, or AfD. “My absolute priority will be to strengthen Europe as quickly as possible so ...
Our data journalism column also features stories looking at the history of African borders, Spain's prisoner release ...
But the election result may just bring about a stable German government able to lead Europe at a time of unprecedented security and economic challenges. The path towards forming such a government ...