His play 'The Persians', first performed in 472 BC, is the oldest surviving of all Greek plays ... The first plays were performed in the Theatre of Dionysus, built in the shadow of the Acropolis ...
The most successful Athenian playwright was Sophocles, who won so many Greek theatre competitions that he became a big celebrity. There were three types of plays – comedies, tragedies (which ...
Built on the site of a natural amphitheater in the hills above campus, with funds donated by William Randolph Hearst, the Greek Theatre was the first building ... host to numerous commencements, ...
One of the many ensembles offered by the Department of Music is the Klezmer Ensemble, also known as the Jumbo Knish ...
But "the play that comes closest to Greek theatre's belief in a communal rite of shared experience is not 'Oedipus' or 'Elektra'", but this adaptation of "The Years", the French Nobel laureate ...
The Utah Review offers reviews of three productions. Voodoo Theatre Company: The Antipodes At once, the idea of setting a play around a nondescript conference table that could be in an equally ...
It has been a busy winter for numerous indie theater companies in Salt Lake City. The Utah Review offers reviews of three ...
The theatre department at Thomas A. Edison High School in Elmira is gearing up for its drama department's grand return.