One woman died after a tree fell on her home, said Richard Thompson, acting director general at Jamaica's disaster agency. He also said nearly 1,000 residents were in shelters by Wednesday evening.
Despite the increasing frequency of natural disasters like hurricanes, flooding due to prolonged rainy seasons, extreme heat, and rising sea levels, emergency communications in Jamaica largely ...
But after two days, the flight recorder of American One had not been found, and it may keep its secrets hidden forever in the muck of Jamaica Bay. *The crash of a C124 Globemaster near Tokyo in ...
Jamaica's holistic disaster risk financing (DRF) strategy provided enough access to funding following the impacts of Hurricane Beryl, according to Conor ...
Despite this positive trajectory, the country faces ongoing challenges, including slow economic growth, high informal employment, and vulnerability to natural hazards. Recent events, including ...
KINGSTON, Jamaica – Prime Minister Andrew Holness ... “When have we ever been struck by a natural disaster and we don’t have to borrow? We were struck by Hurricane Beryl, and because of ...