London’s new ‘super sewer’ – is now fully connected. As we look forward to a healthier future, it’s right to reflect ...
An curved arrow pointing right. This massive tunnel will update the city's antique sewer system. Produced by Maya Dangerfield. Video courtesy of AP. Follow TI: On Facebook More from Tech This ...
Dan and Dunya met in 2013 when a fatberg was causing havoc in London Became fascinated by the sewer blockages made of congealed lumps of fat Dan secretly arranged trip to London sewers to mark one ...
The new system is expected to stop 95% of the sewage spills that previously would have polluted the river. Take a look inside London's new "super sewer" Connections have been made at locations ...
Exclusive: Officials will wait for 11th-hour water tests to prove new system has cleaned up sewage-infested river ...
Ever wondered about the gory and grimy details of history? 3 words: London’s sewers system; the exact system that is used by 9 million people quotidianly and in no understatement, is the ...
Alongside the pumping station itself, the site also features a Victorian garden maintained by volunteers, as well as an exhibition about the history of London’s sewer system and a miniature ...