Several Martial Arts of Door County students received new belt promotions Feb. 21, including those pictured. (Front row, from ...
Martial Arts for Kids, a groundbreaking non-proft organization founded by legendary combat sports promoter Joe Ancona, is ...
Learn a martial art for fitness, self-defense, or self-confidence. All of our instructors are professionals of high rank, with many years of practice and experience behind them. Aikido is the highest ...
Some families have both a parent and a child practicing Martial Arts together. It’s also really popular in the Plano area and we have a few choices of Martial Arts Schools. We share the benefits ...
“The Presas family is one of the major, major components as far as keeping Filipino martial arts alive,” said Joseph ... to the U.S., settling in the Bay Area. His version was a weapon-first ...
The history and techniques of Pankration, an ancient Greek martial art, have had a significant impact on modern mixed martial ...
Amos Chang, 12, of Gillette, received his Jo Kyo level instructor certification in the Korean martial art of Soo Bahk Do Moo ...
The co-founder of a martial arts studio that was once located in Palo ... Anyone who lives, works, or attends school in the 6-5-0 area code is eligible to enter. Both youth and adults are welcome.