It consists of 11 elements that reflect the wakefulness, vision, and motor, sensory, and language function of stroke patients (Figure 1). The initial ... 1997). NIHSS scores have been shown ...
"Most patients who present with a NIHSS score of higher than five and anterior circulation occlusion along with patients with ...
Recombinant human prourokinase is noninferior to alteplase in acute ischemic stroke, with symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage and major bleeding decreased.
Secondary outcomes included performance on a gait speed test, Barthel Index (BI), NIH Stroke Scale score (NIHSS), Fluid ... recorded mean increases of 12.1 points for total FMMS, 7.4 points ...
The survey used a combination of closed-ended questions, a checklist, and a 5-point Likert scale (1 = weak belief ... The bedside RN was asked for the NIHSS score, and any inconsistencies with ...