HINGHAM — The hands of 87-year-old Astrid Donnellan are as steady as a surgeon as she painstakingly works on restoring the dial of an 1825 antique clock. Clocks are on everyone’s minds this ...
Devon Dey: Hi, I'm Devon. Today, I'm going to walk you through how I restore a 200-year-old grandfather clock. [clock chiming] Clocks that old weren't branded with anything other than just the ...
In the enclave of buildings that immediately surround the Sree Poornathrayeesa Temple in Tripunithura, one structure towers ...
Located in the Old Town Square, the Prague Astronomical Clock has been around since the 15th century, though it has required repairs many times over its history. This clock doesn't display the ...
Historians say Manimalika is the third oldest clock tower in Kerala, after Mattancherry clock tower (1760) and Methan Mani (1833) in Thiruvananthapuram. Also, clock towers were a dominant feature ...