Yet the Arabs of Palestine and the wider Arab world rejected the plan. All 10 Arab member states at the U.N. voted against partition. Even before the vote was counted, Arab delegates stormed out ...
The King David Hotel in Jerusalem, a symbol of Israel's history, from British Mandate to modern conflicts, and peace efforts.
Unlike in the story of the Megillah and during the Holocaust, Jews are presently defending their homeland, the country that ...
The U.S. was learning the full flavor of the Palestine problem and it tasted like bad medicine. On a grey-afternoon last November, the U.S. had rammed the Palestine Partition Plan through the ...
The UN came into being, passing the partition plan for Palestine in 1947. Israel declared independence, with the UN’s ex post facto blessing. The UN Trusteeship Council overseeing Palestine ...
As Israeli historian Ilan Pappé points out, the Arabs simply “demanded that Palestine be treated the same as all its neighbouring Arab countries, which had obtained full independence once their ...
Those who left Palestine for Lebanon or Jordan might ... UN’s offer of the two-state solution in the November 1947 partition plan? Which takes us back to the question of why UNRWA is operating ...
Count Bernadotte's presence in Palestine followed the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine and the subsequent unilateral Israeli Declaration of Independence. In this capacity, he succeeded ...
Using guest speakers, this video clip discusses the background and impact of the UN Partition Plan for Palestine in 1947. This clip is part of a series which can be treated as historical sources ...