UD doctoral student Tianyu Zhou is pictured on the right using a shovel to remove snow that covers the sea ice during a ...
It's spring, the sun is shining and something is about to happen with the plankton in the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean. Long bright days and rising temperatures have awakened the phytoplankton.
Phytoplankton from the subsurface were acclimated to lower ... The organic carbon cycle in the Arctic Ocean. Springer-Verlag. SHIRASAWA, K., H. EICKEN, K. TATEYAMA, T. TAKATSUKA, AND T. KAWAMURA. 2009 ...
“Arctic Station has been ... transfers water samples filled with phytoplankton and zooplankton harvested from his field site, a section of open ocean off the coast of Disko Island.
Phytoplankton are changing the “physical property ... A positive feedback process is already known to occur in the Arctic, as the darker-hued ocean water absorbs more sun than the lighter-colored ice.
She wonders, too, whether Arctic phytoplankton’s ability to ride ... If she’s right, the zone of productive ocean may be deeper than anyone thought. “If polar phytoplankton were able to ...
For Arrigo and his team, it was also a rare opportunity to study the Arctic marine ecosystem firsthand ... had hit an unexpectedly large phytoplankton hotspot in the Chukchi Sea, just off the Bering ...
The two most prominent types of plankton in the ocean are zooplankton, which are tiny animal organisms, and phytoplankton, which are plantlike. (Other forms of plankton include bacterial and fungal.
Most field research on ocean acidification has focused on mid- to high-latitude regions where diatoms, coccolithophores, and other large phytoplankton predominate. Limited data exists on ...
Through one of the primary carbon storage mechanisms, the biological carbon pump, phytoplankton (microscopic marine plants ... including in the Arctic Ocean, a region which is particularly sensitive ...