A Pokemon fan artist crafts Chimchar, Monferno, and Infernape as crochet dolls and shares their handiwork with their fellow ...
Gengar and Murkrow, a pair of classic Pokemon, get wooden makeovers thanks to the impressive carving skills of one talented ...
Have no fear he’s fireproof, at least we hope. If you have always wanted a pet monkey, then you may want a Chimchar. From an adorable starter to a powerful Infernape, even its transition stage ...
The fourth-generation starters are Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup. Many Pokémon players praise this generation specifically for the narrative depth, diverse environments, and memorable characters.
Pokémon FireRed Version, Pokémon LeafGreen Version and Pokémon Emerald Version) to complete their Pokédex. Characters: Giratina, Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup and hundreds of other Pokémon.