Feeling overwhelmed or anxious? You may be looking for an outlet to help you stay centered, and luckily, there are a lot of options out there. From seeking out professional help to yoga ...
<a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/qi-gong-body-mind-detox-well/id642600410?l=it&ls=1">https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/qi-gong-body-mind-detox-well ...
The complete "Understanding Qigong" series by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. Learn how and why Qigong works to increase your energy and improve your circulation. The Chinese word Qigong means 'energy work'.
The recent achievements of the fitness qigong team in regional selections have instilled a sense of pride and motivation. By successfully qualifying for the preliminaries of the National Games, the ...
In another image, counselors stand concentrating among a lush, grassy backdrop, quietly practicing qigong together. The session, which will be presented again in March, is currently in its second ...