Read on to see five areas where Sweden blows the US out of the water when it comes to work-life balance ... but it is nice to have a culture in which you try to respect employees' time outside ...
3. There's more work-life balance in Sweden Here in Sweden, they want you to take your vacation days. After you work for a company for a full year, you are entitled to 25 working days of paid ...
The sauna is synonymous with Nordic culture, and especially Finland, where it is a veritable way of life. With around three ...
aving just hit the halfway mark on my year abroad in Sweden, I have had a lot of time to reflect on my experience so far.
Here we take a deep-dive into Swedish food culture, its most popular traditional ... is an integral part of everyday life — two per day is standard practice in most workplaces — and cinnamon ...
Several residents he interviewed told him that they believe that Sweden has a responsibility to adapt to their more traditional culture ... of these benefits “life is good” for them in ...
Greta Filén Hammarström, a 28-year-old Swedish woman, has chosen to live as a housewife in China. She and her family ...