A year ago today, severe thunderstorms exploded across western and central Ohio during the evening hours, spawning nine tornadoes on March 14, 2024, that claimed three lives in Logan County.
People driving through Greensboro Thursday night were met with downed trees, flashing lights, and even tornado ‘survivors’ in ...
The Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Risk Index ranks Monroe County's probability of a tornado as relatively ...
A century after the Tri-State Tornado tore through Jackson County, community members and historians gathered to reflect on ...
A tornado caused major damage to at least one home in Seminole County as severe weather moving across Central Florida ...
Amanda Morgan still remembers the deafening roar of the tornado as it touched down near her mobile home, sending her family ...
A tornado hit central Florida on Monday, destroying two homes, uprooting trees and disrupting a FOX TV show as it was ...
A scheduled test of Indianapolis' tornado sirens failed on Tuesday. The signal went through, but never made it to the sirens, ...