This week marks the anniversary of the Exxon Valdez spill, which shocked the US public with images of oil-covered Alaskan ...
The Great Alaska Earthquake struck Alaska 61 years ago on March 27, 1964. Valdez resident Wade Huls was just 11 on that day, ...
On March 24, 1989, the supertanker Exxon Valdez (vahl-DEEZ’) ran aground on a reef in Alaska’s Prince William Sound and began ...
A day of paddling in Alaska turned deadly yesterday: The bodies of three German tourists were recovered from Valdez Glacier Lake. Although no cause of death has been determined yet, authorities ...
John “Jack” Reed spent 20 years and 25 days as a physical oceanographer for the U.S. Coast Guard, and one of the major projects he worked on ...
The purpose of the meeting was to share updates on the feasibility study and garner public comments. Read Story ...
The pipeline sends Alaska North Slope crude oil from the ... pipeline's terminus is the town's waterfront and small boat harbor. Valdez is located on the northeast corner of Prince William Sound.
“There is a significant price difference in what I pay in moorage in Valdez, either in the harbor or dry-docked ... also spoke to the challenges that Alaska’s fishing industry has been ...
The most competitive and thrilling game in the opening round of the Alaska 3A Girls State Basketball Tournament saw fifth-seeded Kenai Central best fourth-seeded Valdez 43-39 in what was a tightly ...
A jury in Alaska found Joe Hazelwood, captain of the Valdez, not guilty of operating ... 2,800 sea otters, 300 harbor seals, 250 bald eagles and billions of salmon and herring eggs.