For the first time, researchers transformed light into a quantum crystalline structure to create a "supersolid" that's both ...
Ultra-low viscosity oils are becoming the norm for modern engines, especially smaller units prioritizing efficiency.
Let’s explain all of those confusing numbers, letters and terms to help you choose the right oil for your car.
High Detergent? High Definition? Howdy Doody? Just what, exactly, does it mean when the label on your vehicle's motor oil ...
In announcing Friday’s show, Webb, who also plays keyboard, promised an evening with “dramatic multimedia art, soulful blues, rousing anthems, and unforgettable energy. With her full band and surprise ...
That means these engines usually need lower-viscosity oil—oil that is “thinner” and flows more easily to form a cushion of lubrication between two parts. At lower viscosity, synthetic oil ...
It stands for winter, and it alludes to the oil's viscosity or thickness at cool temperatures, like when you first start your engine in the morning. However, understanding that part of the code ...
Dr. Seol’s team at KERI achieves a printing resolution about 1/100th the thickness of a human hair By eliminating the use of additives (binders) and post-processing, obstacles in the utilization of ...