The two most prominent types of plankton in the ocean are zooplankton, which are tiny animal organisms, and phytoplankton, which are plantlike. (Other forms of plankton include bacterial and fungal.
Warmer waters generally have lower plankton biomass and abundance, and consist of species with smaller body sizes. Jellyfish, my favorite type of zooplankton, are among the biggest plankton.
Image caption, This is one type of plankton viewed through a microscope. In fact, many scientists believe that these tiny plants and animals are amongst the most important in our seas. They may ...
Writing in the journal Ocean and Coastal Management, scientists say novel techniques do offer means of collecting and analyzing select types of plankton data more efficiently than traditional methods.
Tiny yet mighty. That’s how the landmark Plankton Manifesto describes these microscopic organisms and the crucial role they play in tackling the interlinked global crises of climate change ...