We will be electing two Planning Board members at the upcoming election on Monday, March 31. I am delighted to support Susan Hall Mygatt and Rob Ahlert for these positions. Susan has been active in ...
The online auction to help defray costs of the eighth-grade trip to Washington, D.C., ends on Monday, March 31 at 8:00pm. Auction items donated include a personal trip to school in a Lincoln firetruck ...
We, the undersigned, strongly support Margaret Olson for Planning Board. For the past ten years, Margaret has been both a dedicated leader and member of the board. highly hones management skills and ...
St. Anne’s-in-the-Fields Episcopal church has created an online, self-paced multimedia pilgrimage though the Stations of the ...
Relatives and friends are encouraged to gather for a celebration of Betty’s life on Friday, March 28 at 3:00pm at the First ...
The owners of three lots on Old Winter Street totaling 8.5 wooded acres want to clear-cut about one-third of the land, ...
A Lincoln man was arrested on multiple gun charges last weekend after a resident called police to report hearing gunshots ...
After much reflection, I have decided not to run for another term on the Planning Board and would like to take this opportunity to thank Lincoln residents for allowing me to serve on the Board for the ...
The Zoning Board of the Appeals of the Town of Lincoln will hold a virtual online public hearing if the law allows or at 16 Lincoln Rd., Donaldson Room on Thursday, April 3, 2025, at 7:00pm to hear ...
By Nancy Marshall Please elect Charles Morton and Jack Ryan to the L-S School Committee I write to enthusiastically endorse Charles Morton and Jack Ryan in their campaign for the L-S School Committee.