Here is the Prairie Arts Council’s schedule of events for the month of March: 32nd REGIONAL SCHOOL ART SHOWS: The School ...
Alliance Bank is joining forces with the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) in partnership with the U.S. Postal Inspection Service on an initiative to help clients protect themselves from ...
The Jasper County Sheriff’s Department released body cam and car cam footage on Thursday of a shooting that involved a JCSD ...
A public meeting is set for 5:30 p.m. March 20 for the people to give feedback about improvements proposed for Lakeview Park ...
The South Newton Rebels and the West Central Trojans competed in the IHSAA Class 1A Boys Basketball State Tournament ...
General Van Rensselaer Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution has announced the winners of the DAR Good Citizen award ...
Jasper Circuit Court Judge Emily Waddle has set aside three days in July and August for a jury trial in Stephanie Nagel’s ...
Pat Donnelly of the Jasper County Veterans Service Office was a guest at Oak Grove Christian Retirement Village’s Hot Topics discussion in February.
As a part of the City of Monticello’s routine maintenance efforts, plans to inspect and clean sewer mains all throughout the community is on the agenda.
Lego Club at the Kentland Public Library was busy in February. Madi made a house for the Lego Characters, which is sounded by Matthew's super loooong train. Pretend you are ...
The Kankakee Valley School Corporation will hold kindergarten pre-registration from March 3-20 at the DeMotte and Wheatfield elementary schools.
Franciscan WorkingWell is hosting a free, day-long symposium at the Golf Club of Indiana in Lebanon on Tuesday, April 29. The symposium is aimed at helping employers find healthcare solutions.