External affairs minister S Jaishankar emphasized the significance of Brics, highlighting its role in making global ...
On the other hand, the ROK and Japan face a major historical turning point, where they must seek a new direction for ...
New Development Bank, formerly referred to as the BRICS Development Bank, has issued mandates for a three-year dollar bond ...
Brazil, hosting the UN climate talks (COP30), aims to enhance Paris Agreement implementation. President designate Andre ...
India and China are natural competitors but developments in strained ties can help with easing diplomatic tensions.
India plans to impose a 12 percent "safeguard duty" on certain steel products for 200 days to protect its domestic industry ...
Brazil's president starts a four-day state visit to Japan on Monday, accompanied by a 100-strong business delegation as US ...
India has confirmed today that new gold reserves were discovered across Odisha, specifically in the Deogarh, Keonjhar, and ...
A policy decision that has significant economic implications in recent years was our assertion of energy choices in the ...
A large economy like India needs an overall strategy,” he said, highlighting the ability to balance relations with Russia and ...