Harpa Sævarsdóttir, stjórnarmaður í VR og fyrrverandi varaformaður félagsins, gagnrýnir sitjandi formann og einn frambjóðanda ...
Vesturport hyggst ráðast í framhaldsþáttaseríu af Verbúðinni, seríu sem sló í gegn á Ríkisútvarpinu fyrir nokkrum árum síðan.
Seriesmakers speakers included writers/producers of ‘The Crown,’ ‘Call My Agent!’ ‘Game Of Thrones,’ ‘Skins,’ ‘The X-Files’ ...
EVE Online's large Revenant patch is live, bringing many quality-of-life changes, alongside changes to mining, industry, and warfare, both in lowsec and nullsec space.
Front Row will be broadcasting one of Icelandic pianist Vikingur Olafasson’s magical live performances from the stage of the empty Harpa Concert Hall in Reykjavik, which he did every week during ...
Menning er undirstaða hvers samfélags og hefur djúpstæð áhrif á sjálfsmynd, tengsl og samheldni fólks. Menningin er spegill á ...
New rivals include Harli + Harpa, founded late last year by former Lovisa chief executive Shane Fallscheer, Britain’s Missoma, which now has 10 Australian stores, and Canada’s online giant Mejuri.
scheduled to take place in May 2025 at the Harpa conference hall in Reykjavik, Iceland, have officially sold out. The official announcement comes from the CCP Games X (formerly Twitter ...
The Brownville Concert Series is thrilled to welcome to Brownville, QuartetES. Made up of established chamber musicians who ...