Peak travel season is just around the corner for BC Ferries, and fares are about to increase for passengers in several areas.
Sailings between Campbell River and Quadra Island will be operating on a reduced service schedule due to planned safety ...
BC Ferries is set to implement a system-wide annual fare increase of 3.2 per cent on April 1, as approved by the BC Ferries ...
Data shows a 25 per cent decrease in B.C. cars heading south of the border over the past month. The shift comes amid ...
Drive-up window fares increasing and will only apply to the less than 25 per cent of customers who don’t already use Prepaid, ...
BC Ferries says it's rolling out a Buy Canadian campaign on its vessels and working on finding more ways to source local ...
A trip that saw me return home, changed, different, happier. A once-in-a-lifetime trip that you can do too. As, while b ucket-list holidays tend to involve sunshine, safari and sea, I’m making a case ...