Looking for information on Iasi Airport, Iasi, Romania? Know about Iasi Airport in detail. Find out the location of Iasi Airport on Romania map and also find out airports near to Iasi. This airport ...
Sute de oameni, care au fost dați afară de la o firmă din județul Iași, se chinuie să-și găsească un loc de muncă. Este vorba despre muncitorii concediați de la fabrica de scaune pentru copii din ...
Romania’s outgoing centrist president, Klaus Iohannis, resigned on Monday as opposition hard-right parliamentary parties planned to have him impeached. The European Union and NATO member state ...
Where to stay: While in Iasi, Romania's third biggest city, stay at the Unirea hotel with comfortable, old-fashioned rooms close to the Bahlui River. Doubles from £82 (hotelunirea.ro).
În urmă cu 20 ani, Google Maps a revoluÈ›ionat modul în care oamenii se deplasează din punctul A în punctul B. De asemenea, de-a lungul timpului, Google Maps a transformat felul în care oamenii ...
BUCHAREST, Feb 10 (Reuters) - Romania's outgoing centrist president Klaus Iohannis resigned on Monday to pre-empt an impeachment bid by opposition parties in parliament, with voters highly ...
This table shows the change in house prices during a single quarter, adjusted for inflation. Adjusting house price rises (or declines) for inflation produces a more accurate picture of the change in ...
România, È›ară cu o istorie complexă, reflectată nu doar în monumentele È™i tradiÈ›iile sale, ci È™i în denumirile administrative care ne înconjoară. Fiecare judeÈ› al țării are o poveste unică Numele ...
Introducing the house is a glassy front door that slides open to reveal a stone-clad entry foyer boasting a floating glass and steel spiral staircase. From there, an open-concept great room ...
BUCHAREST, Jan 21 (Reuters) - EU finance ministers approved Romania's deficit-cutting plan on Tuesday to bring its fiscal deficit below 3% of national output by 2030, a move Bucharest hopes will ...
Over 700 army vehicles have been loaded onto cargo ships ready to sail to Romania for a Nato exercise. The armoured vehicles, fuel tankers and forklift trucks were loaded up at Marchwood ...