BIRN investigations have uncovered how journalists conducting public-interest investigations in Romania were put under ...
Deschiderea oficială pentru Mall Moldova, cea mai mare destinaţie de shopping şi entertainment din afara Bucureştiului, este ...
The Filiki Eteria Museum in Odessa, Ukraine is a beacon of Hellenism, as it is where the Greek War of Independence was ...
În perioada 14-15 martie 2025, președintele Autorității Naționale pentru Protecția Consumatorilor (ANPC), domnul Cristian Popescu Piedone, a coordonat o serie de acțiuni de control la ...
Two days later, at Iasi, Ypsilantis issued a proclamation ... but the chapel hosting Ypsilantis’ heart is still standing, located in the street behind the Presidential Mansion.
Beyond the preexisting Indigenous walking paths, these new American immigrants wanted to occupy the region more densely, and drew up their maps to reflect that, but failed to account for the ...
PARMA, Ohio -- The good news for Parma residents is that the city plans on repairing and repaving 40 streets during its 2025 road program, which is estimated to cost between $5 and $7 million.
Continuăm dialogul, inițiat în numerele precedente, cu prorectorul Universității „Al.I. Cuza” din Iași, pr. dr. Adrian Iftene, de la Facultatea de Informatică, pe tema inteligenței artificiale.
Here’s the list of street closures for Sunday and Monday. Brooklyn Portion: Start: Washington Avenue near Sullivan Place. Manhattan Portion: Finish: West Drive Central Park near 68th Street ...
Chip was born in Iasi, Romania, graduating from Iasi Gheorghe Ashachi University, with a bachelor’s degree in engineering and now runs his own business providing consultancy services.