Business titans Manuel V. Pangilinan, Ramon Ang and Sabin Aboitiz are set to complete the first onshore liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage facility in the Philippines by the end of next month.
Floating LNG import terminals in France and Germany have remained largely idle despite high natural gas prices and increased ...
The government signed two agreements yesterday at the Office of the Prime Minister that will move the country toward the use ...
France’s newest liquefied natural gas terminal missed out on high fuel prices this winter as prohibitive operational costs have forced it to lie idle.
Moreover, advancements in technology in liquefaction and regasification have helped ... extraction has been enabled by floating LNG (FLNG) with minimal onshore infrastructure, which adds to ...
Moreover, advancements in technology in liquefaction and regasification have helped ... extraction has been enabled by floating LNG (FLNG) with minimal onshore infrastructure, which adds to ...
The LNG cargo was loaded into the storage tanks of the BW Batangas floating storage and regasification unit ... of a multipurpose jetty and an onshore gas receiving facility, representing the ...