The poem opens not with Odysseus, but with his son, Telemachus—a young man on the cusp of adulthood, growing up in his father’s shadow but without his guidance. His palace is overrun by ...
Odysseus and his wife, Penelope ... weary of the squabbling suitors camping in her palace while they wait for her to decide ...
Odysseus and his wife ... weary of the squabbling suitors camping in her palace while they wait for her to decide which one she’ll marry. Only Antinous (Marwan Kenzari) wants her for herself.
Christopher Nolan’s The Odyssey is still over a year out, but in the meantime check out Ralph Fiennes’ turn as Odysseus.
Inhabited since the Mycenaean period (1600–1100 BCE), the island offers archaeological sites such as the School of Homer, believed to be linked to Odysseus’s palace. Visitors can explore the ...
Read our top local picks and tips of the many exciting things to do in Croatia, from food to festivals, history, nature and ...
Published in 2005, it is a retelling of the myth of Odysseus from Penelope’s point of view as she ... journey from a sheltered life in her father Helios’ glittering palace to her exile on the remote, ...
It’s thought that Odysseus Cave on Mljet Island was the basis for Homer ... What is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the entire old town of Split, Croatia, Diocletian’s Palace was built for the ...
The similarities go beyond Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) and Odysseus (Matt Damon) going on a journey to return home after decades away and go from other characters to the very structure and themes ...