The garage is like a giant vacuum cleaner of a room where old bicycles and lawnmowers go to die. Jugs of paint, car wax, and ...
The city’s annual spring cleanup, available to current city sanitation customers, will be held April 7-11. Cleanup week collections will be limited to household materials only, with items collected on ...
It features a covered drive-through for dropping off hazardous household waste – such as paint and cleaners – and electronic ...
The City of Sandusky will hold its spring Citywide Cleanup drop off event on April 19. The event will be from 8 to 11 a.m. at ...
Most of us do spring cleaning in March. While you clean out the house, make sure you're taking a look at the garage, too!
Officials say the waste headed for the Calabasas landfill won't harm public health, but protesting residents living nearby ...
The Lee County firefighters put water on a shed behind the neighbor’s home. Lee County Fire Captain Brandon Brown confirmed ...
City crews will not pick up construction materials, vehicle tires, vehicle parts, tree trimmings, brush, propane tanks, air conditioners, lawnmowers, paint, oil, antifreeze, or hazardous materials.
Cleaning up from one of the largest wildfire disasters in recent history takes a while. It's now in the phase which involves ...
A Quebec man has been found in contempt of court for refusing to remove swastikas from outside his home in a municipality ...