Did you know that Dracula was real? Even more amazing, his tomb was never found despite his death hundreds of years ago.
A Romanian lawyer linked to a shadowy group named after Vlad the Impaler met with a Russian military attaché in Bucharest to ...
In Romania, employees of the Directorate for the Investigation of Crimes related to Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT), today, March 6, detained six people on suspicion of treason.
Cei doi suspecți acuzați de trădare în favoarea Rusiei ar fi organizat încă de acum doi ani acțiuni conspirative ...
Sean Baker, regizorul filmului „Anora”, este acuzat că a plagiat scenariul filmului care a câștigat 5 statuete la Premiile ...
opened on Broadway, from the perspective of lyricist Lorenz Hart, bitterly looking on as his former songwriting partner Richard Rodgers basks in the show’s instant success) and Radu Jude ...
Pamela Bach, cunoscută pentru rolul din Baywatch, a fost găsită fără viață în locuința sa din Hollywood Hills pe 5 martie.
Romania has been going through unprecedented instability in the last several months, with the Brussels-run neoliberal dictatorship effectively taking over the country. It could even be described as a ...
De aceea, Salt Bank a încheiat un parteneriat cu Saga Film, prin care a co-finanţat producţia Dracula Park. Filmul este regizat de Radu Jude şi va fi lansat anul acesta. Salt Bank susţine, de asemenea ...