Whether looking for a better quality of life, new work opportunities or moving away from the Trump administration, many ...
CoV-2 nucleocapsid antibodies to detect exposure to SARS-CoV-2: results from a prospective cohort study on COVID-19 ...
The introduction of a new, heavily criticized electronic journal system from Oracle in two Swedish health districts has ...
Nordic construction company Peab has secured a Skr280m ($27.6m) contract to build new test facilities and offices for BAE ...
Norra Skåne, grundad 1899, är tillsammans med Kristianstadsbladet den ledande morgontidningen i nordöstra Skåne. Kristianstadsbladet/Norra Skåne förmedlar nyheter i papperstidningen, i datorn, i ...
Pacific oysters were imported to oyster farms in Europe in the 1970s to replace native oysters when stocks collapsed.
The invasive Pacific oyster have adapted to life in less salty seas and are reproducing off the coast of Skåne, although ...
Medtronic (NYSE: MDT) announced results from a registry highlighting the effectiveness of the Prevail drug-coated balloon ...
Dr. Sacharias von Koch of the Deptartment of Cardiology and Clinical Sciences at Lund University, Skåne University Hospital ...
The invasive Pacific oyster have adapted to life in less salty seas and are reproducing off the coast of Skåne, although having been there for less ...
Medtronic plc reported results from a registry highlighting the effectiveness of the Prevail paclitaxel-coated balloon. The findings from the Swedish Coronary Angiography and Angioplasty Registry ...