The women had to be there and also the babies, not simply because that was how it was at Matan Torah, but for another reason. Neither the women or the babies were complicit in the sin of the eigel, th ...
They needed something material. What’s odd then is a mere three months later (according to Rashi: Tammuz to Tishrei) God ordered these same people to donate more contributions of gold to build a ...
Therefore, it should not be surprising to see one around Purim (14 Adar), Pesach (15 Nisan), Succos (15 Tishrei), Tu b’Shevat (15 Shevat) or Tu b’Av (15 Av) – all joyful occasions. Since blood moons ...
When you see homo sapiens, you see the divine image. I am a Jewish human being. Human being, homo sapiens, is the broad definition I share with 8 billion people on earth. Jewish is the specific ...