But nature got to all that long before us. One example today, though there are many, is the beaks of some birds, such as finches and toucans, which work like levers to help them grasp and ...
This video proves there's more than meets the eye for a woodpecker. It has one trick you'd never expect when it comes to ...
New research shows how physical changes in the skull affected the mechanics of the way birds move and use their beaks to eat and explore their habitats -- adaptations that helped them evolve into the ...
The blue-headed quail dove is a uniquely ancient species with no close relatives and is now on the brink of extinction. At ...
A prehistoric feathered throwback that stands five feet tall, this apex predator easily swallows its younger siblings, and ...
Archaeologists Baffled to Discover an Ancient Skeleton of a ‘Birdman’ Shaman Wearing a Costume Made of Beaks Several ...
Throughout the night, great potoos emit a loud, moaning growl that has earned the bird a mythical status, with some ...