In a rare 1984 interview, Frank Zappa spoke about improvisation, spontaneity, and his process of creating guitar solos.
Vai has countless gigs under his belt and most have passed by incident-free. But two particular mishaps will always haunt him ...
Belew's contribution cannot be understated – and as a guitarist who, like Belew, was once part of the Frank Zappa camp, Vai tells MusicRadar that he “can't say enough about Adrian” and his d ...
A disgruntled Derek Smalls (Harry Shearer) complained to Paul Shaffer about the original "Spinal Tap" movie, saying it was a ...
Série que homenageia um dos cantores e compositores mais icônicos do Brasil, Raul Seixas: Eu Sou terá sua primeira exibição ...
Raul Seixas: Eu Sou, série original Globoplay, faz sua estreia mundial na França — Foto: Ariela Bueno ...
Some people might even tell you that it’s Steve Vai, and indeed, he has been consistently voted among the very best whenever such polls arise, mainly for his work with Frank Zappa, Alcatrazz and ...
O Fubá chega com um repertório carnavalesco variado, que vai das tradicionais marchinhas a um set de hits ... gratuito e democrático”, diz Claudio “Zappa” Fantinato, puxador e presidente da Associação ...