Documents read: “Mansfield also have an increased rough sleeper pressure which means that the service cannot always ...
In January Sports Labs Ltd, applied to Nottingham City Council on behalf of the football club-linked organisation to update the site. The plans were approved yesterday (March 27), meaning the existing ...
All 62 homes will be classed as affordable and will be managed by Nottingham Community Housing Association, with 44 homes rented and 18 coming under shared ownership. The properties will be a mix of ...
Cllr Woodings said a number of new school places for children living with SEND are being created to meet demand and reduce costs, including turning the Waterside Primary School in Trent Basin into a ...
One vulnerability was in workforce planning, with more than £18m spent on temporary staff to fill gaps in job roles. Around ...
Mansfield District Council says it plans for contractor QTS Group to carry out the safety stabilisation works at the Third Field in Forest Road Park, Mansfield. It follows a major landslide at the ...
Flooding minister Emma Hardy visited Eastwood on Monday (March 24) to discuss the Government’s plans to help prevent future ...
Ashfield District Council, together with the Ashfield Arts Partnership, have appointed Nonsuch Studios as the Programme ...
The council has now created a guide, called the Good Practice Guide, to encourage developers and management companies follow better practises and improve services. Council officers presented a draft ...
The new E-scooters have around 300 mandatory parking zones across the city, and ‘no-go’ zones where they are not allowed to be ridden, such as the Park Estate and Old Market Square. Riders are ...
Between 15 to 20 people regularly attend the free weekly sessions, Jen adds. The group has just received new funding from Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Community Wellbeing Fund, which Jen says will go ...