Mogadishu (PP News Desk) — Somremit is revolutionising how money is sent to Somalia by providing a fast, reliable and secure ...
On Friday, militias allied with the Somaliland administration attacked Buqdharkayn village in Sool. In a statement, the… Sii ...
While the UK government struggles to deliver reliable mobile coverage across some rural communities, Somalia – a country that ...
Madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni ayaa maanta magaalada Boosaaso kulan kula qaatay qaar kamid ah, ...
President Mohamud proposed the relocation of the African Union headquarters from Addis Ababa on grounds that Ethiopia does not respect the AU charter. He also formed defence pacts with Türkiye, Egypt ...
One month ago, on the morning of Feb. 4, forces from Somalia’s Puntland region attacked Islamic State terror group… Sii akhri ...
Kooxda la socota xuquuqda bini’aadanka ee Syria oo fadhigeedu yahay dalka UK ayaa sheegtay in iska hor imaad labo maalmood… ...
Warsaxaafadeed ka soo baxay Wasaaradda Amniga Maamulka SSC-khaatumo ayaa lagu sheegay in Maamulka Somaliland uu Maanta oo Jimce ah Weerar ku soo qaaday Ciidamada Difaaca SSC ee Fadhigoodu yahay Jiidda ...
In ka badan 500 oo qof oo isugu jira shaqaale-sare, hawl-wadeeno, shaqaale hoose, gadiidley iyo xirfadlayaal kala duwan ayaa tan iyo bishii December ee sannadkii hore laga fasaxay shaqooyinkoodii ka ...
Taliska Ciidanka Booliska Puntland oo War soo saaray ayaa sheegay in ay hayaan liiska dhammaan dadka Xiriirka la leh Argagixisada ISIL, oo aan isku soo dhiibin wakhtigii uu u qabtay Madaxweyne Deni, ...
The US State Department has issued travel warnings about Somalia following reports that Al-shabaab attacked… Sii akhri ...