Age, gender, and lifestyle are key factors in predicting risks for illnesses like cancer and heart disease, but adding race ...
November 30, 2020, Paper: "The last generation has witnessed an epochal decline in real interest rates in the United States and around the world despite large buildups of government debt. As Table 1 ...
2021, Paper: "We study tax enforcement in a two-sector economy and focus on cross-sector ef fect of sectoral shocks. Specifically, we investigate whether business fluctuation in mining sector can ...
2021, Paper: "We characterize optimal monetary policy in response to asymmetric shocks that shift demand from one sector to another, a condition arguably faced by many economies emerging from the ...
March 5, 2021, Opinion: "The labor market improved in February 2021 as employers added 379,000 jobs, leaving the economy at 11.9 million jobs below its pre-pandemic trend. At the same time the ...
February 2022, Paper: "We study how the recent run-up in housing and rental prices affects the outlook for inflation in the United States. Housing held down overall inflation in 2021. Despite record ...
November 19, 2020, Paper: "A more generous consumer bankruptcy system provides greater insurance against financial risks but may also raise the cost of credit. We study this trade-off using the 2005 ...
2021, Paper: "The last decade has seen an expo nential increase in corporate sus tainability activities and efforts by investors to use these activi ties in their portfolio formation, valuation, and ...
2020, Paper: "In this study, we analyze the impacts of minimum wages on firms’ robot adoption using novel panel data related to robots imported by firms in China from 2001 to 2012, a period when most ...
October 30, 2020, Paper: "A growing number of companies choose to pursue financial and social goals simultaneously. These dual-purpose companies face inherent tradeoffs as they are caught between the ...
2021, Paper: "A large literature on state-business relations in China has examined the political role of capitalists and collusion between the state and the private sector. This paper contributes to ...
September 2020, Paper: "Endemic corruption in developing countries often seems intractable. Yet most countries that currently have relatively high public integrity were, at an earlier point in their ...