Begin your day with positivity and purpose! Discover 5 powerful mantras to boost your energy, calm your mind, and set ...
Sunita Williams returns after 287 days in space. Her cousin shares insights on her journey, faith, and homecoming, embracing ...
Devotees of Lord Ganesha fast on Sankashti Chaturthi, a significant day in the Hindu calendar. Celebrated on the fourth day of Krishna Paksha, it invo ...
Bhalachandra Sankashti Chaturthi, an important Hindu festival dedicated to Lord Ganesha, will be celebrated on March 17th, ...
Discover the rituals and significance of Bhalachandra Sankashti Chaturthi 2025, a festival dedicated to Lord Ganesha.
Success has many ways. Hard work and determination may be part of them, but most of all, the right mindset and spiritual ...
What are we seeking --- is it happiness, health, self-realisation or kaivalya? Based on the purpose, we bring Yoga into our lifestyle. Yoga is so much more than what we do on the mat ...
Meen Sankranti is today. When the Sun enters Pisces, Kharmas begins. Know what to do and avoid during Kharmas, and when it ...
Are you worried about the upcoming 2025 lunar eclipse and its effects on your life? Eclipses often bring a sense of unease, ...
I have three mantras I return to time and again when depression tries to seduce me with its lies. It seemed ridiculous that such a tiny shift in phrasing could lead to a significant shift in mindset.
Before you start any work, always ask yourself three questions: Why am I doing it? What might be the results? And will I be successful? A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut ...