The team used three computer models: ADCIRC, SWAN, and HEC-RAS 2D. ADCIRC (Advanced Circulation Model) takes on the task of simulating how water moves in the ocean, accounting for tides and storm ...
There is no limitation for both academic and commercial usage. The training data containing the annotation (and the models trained with these data) are available for non-commercial research purposes ...
We have used primary hepatocyte precursors transformed with different dosages of an oncogenic form of Ras to model subclonal variations in MAPK signalling. Orthotopic allografts of Ras-transformed ...
3D cell culture has the potential to provide alternative ways to study organ behavior via the use of organoids and is expected to eventually bridge the gap between 2D cell culture and animal models.
The widely accepted two-dimensional circumplex model of emotions posits that most instances of human emotional experience can be understood within the two general dimensions of valence and activation.