A judge ordered a pair of landlords to pay $80,000 to tenants they had threatened to call immigration enforcement on amid a rent dispute in 2020.
Marco Antonio Contreras and Denise Contreras were ordered to pay $80,000 to former tenants Maria Maltos Escutia and Gabriel Valdez Garcia after threatening to report them to ICE for their ...
The state of Illinois is seeking to dismiss a federal lawsuit alleging that its sanctuary policies for migrants interfere ...
A Chicago landlord has been instructed to pay more than $80,000 to a tenant couple after he threatened to call Immigration and Customs Enforcement on them.
The state of Illinois is looking to dismiss the case that the U.S. Department of Justice brought against the state over ...
Mayors from Boston, Chicago, Denver and New York are set to testify in Congress as Republicans take aim at “sanctuary cities” ...
Johnson was calm, measured, soft-spoken and disciplined, with days of prep since landing in DC on Sunday. The city hired the ...
At age 90 and 95, this Catholic nun dynamic duo have been “peacefully and respectfully” fighting for immigrant rights for ...
Republicans in Congress are taking aim at four cities over their policies limiting cooperation with immigration enforcement under President Donald Trump's administration. Mayors from Boston, Chicago, ...
You also have the right to take photos and videos and write down details of what is happening. You can inform the agents that you will be exercising your right to record. You cannot get in the way of ...
The case against Marco Antonio Contreras was the first to reach a judgement under the Illinois Immigrant Tenant Protection ...