Hidden within the Amazon Rainforest are rare, carbon-rich ecosystems known as peatlands, a type of swamp forest that’s key to ...
Rapid peatland destruction from gold mining in Madre de Dios poses significant carbon risks. Innovative technologies are essential for sustainable management.
In the bone-dry hills overlooking Lima, the luxury of running water is just a dream for thousands of Peruvians who get theirs ...
If you want to understand the jungle, you can't be content just to sail back and forth near the shore. You've got to get into ...
La ganadora de OT 2017 se sinceró recientemente sobre los altibajos de su relación con su madre: "Ahora entiendo que para mis padres fue muy duro. Al final, yo era la pequeña que se marchaba ...
REDD+ project, Madre de Dios, Peru. Image by Yoly Gutierrez/CIFOR-ICRAF. Is REDD+ advancing equity? There were initial expectations that REDD+ could contribute to a more “equitable forest ...
But Julio Cusurichi Palacios, a member of AIDESEP’s Board of Directors from the Madre de Dios region of the Amazon said the government ... There are at least 20 uncontacted tribes in Peru that live in ...
Conoce los reportes detallados y actualizados sobre la actividad sísmica en el país y toda la información sobre el último temblor de hoy en Perú. En nuestro país, los reportes de sismos son ...
But Julio Cusurichi Palacios, a member of AIDESEP’s Board of Directors from the Madre de Dios region of the Amazon said the government ... There are at least 20 uncontacted tribes in Peru that live in ...
Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. Part of the Amazon jungle destroyed by illegal miners is visible in the Tambopata province, Peru’s Madre ...
La madre de los Soler Carmona ... fue algo que ella y su marido nunca se plantearon, sino que se fiaban de lo que Dios les iba indicando. "Los dos venimos de familias grandes, los dos tenemos ...
Sobre el descenso de la natalidad generalizada que existe en España, esta madre de familia numerosa cree que se debe, en parte, a que «la sociedad ha apartado a Dios de sus vidas y, si apartas al ...