Know about Cluj Napoca International Airport in detail. Find out the location of Cluj Napoca International Airport on Romania map and also find out airports near to Cluj-Napoca. This airport locator ...
Night - Clear. Winds SW. The overnight low will be 35 °F (1.7 °C). Cloudy with a high of 67 °F (19.4 °C). Winds variable at 4 to 9 mph (6.4 to 14.5 kph). Showers today with a high of 67 °F ...
O localitate de lângă Cluj-Napoca vrea să devină punct de referință pentru ... „Este vorba de o suprafață, undeva de vreo 10 hectare, din care PUZ-ul se întinde pe vreo 6 hectare. Noi va trebui să ...
Google Maps is one of the most useful navigational tools on Android. It enables people to preview a trip and plan for obstacles. However, knowing how to find where you are right now on the map is ...
A MAP has revealed if you are considered rich based on where you live, after a new report found nine in 10 Brits who make £100k a year don't consider themselves wealthy. The new findings from ...
Gigi Becali vrea să dea o lovitură pe ultima sută de metri și să ia un fotbalist de la rivala CFR Cluj. Francezul Billel Omrani si-a prelungit contractul cu CFR Cluj, insa "feroviarii" se gandesc ...
Justin Bieber rapped about being “high” in his latest social media video after his spokesperson called out recent “harmful” allegations that he was on drugs. On Tuesday, the two-time ...
Medisprof Cancer Center has received approval for the Zonal Urban Plan (PUZ) for its new integrated oncology hospital in Cluj-Napoca, marking another step in the project estimated at a total of ...
Fabrica va fi situată în Cluj, în incinta depoului Companiei de Transport Public (CTP), pe strada Plevnei. Începând cu anul 2028, autoritățile din Cluj își propun să dezvolte o rețea de transport ...
Meciul Oțelul Galați - ”U” Cluj s-a încheiat cu scorul de 0-1, în etapa cu numărul 28 din SuperLiga României, duel care a putut fi urmărit în direct pe Digi Sport 1. De asemenea, partida a mai putut ...
The PGL Cluj-Napoca Major 2025 has been an electrifying journey for CS2 fans, with top-tier teams battling it out through the Group Stage. Now, it’s time for the most thrilling part of the tournament ...
Considering the grueling CS2 tournament schedule for 2025, it’s no surprise that most of the top teams chose to skip PGL Cluj-Napoca. You can see the full list of the 16 teams who accepted their ...