Qui puoi conoscere la carriera e le curiosità sulla vita privata di Daniele Persica, leggere le notizie più recenti, trovare tutti i premi vinti e guardare le foto e i video.
Persica Pharmaceuticals will advance its antibiotic-based drug to registrational studies after a Phase Ib study found that the therapy alleviated lower back pain in patients. The UK-based biotech ...
Persica is looking ahead to registrational trials after its antibiotic therapy met the primary endpoint in a Phase Ib trial. Image credit: Shutterstock / New Africa. Persica Pharmaceuticals will ...
Per­si­ca Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals said it has promis­ing Phase 1b re­sults that sup­port its ap­proach of us­ing a two-dose an­tibi­ot­ic to treat a sub­set of pa­tients with … ...
The Library of Congress image, taken in Detroit in March 1973, shows the late civil rights leader Rosa Parks engaged in the holistic practice of yoga, lying on her stomach and pulling her feet ...