Copperas Cove ISD hired former Huntsville head football coach and athletic director Rodney Southern for the same position.
LISD Superintendent Kathy Rollo sat down with KCBD's Parker Schofner on Thursday to address concerns about the district's ...
Programs for CTE, special education and children form low-income families could be affected by the Trump administration's ...
NACOGDOCHES, Texas (PRESS RELEASE) - Nacogdoches ISD Board of Trustees on Thursday named Dr. Darrell Myers interim ...
After fight at a Kids, Inc. event on March 22, seven people are banned and security is being added to all future events.
Nacogdoches ISD communications director Les Linebarger explained a standardized dress code is students are required to clothing from the districts approved clothing options.
Brandy Byrd is with the Killeen Community Action Alliance, and she organized the meeting for the kids, the ones who see the ...
The Socorro Independent School District (SISD) is now looking for ways to overcome a projected $8.5 million deficit for next ...
(Seguin) — The search will soon begin for a new superintendent in the Seguin ISD. Superintendent Veronica Vijil announced ...
Liberty Hill Independent School District Superintendent Steven Snell has been appointed the new judge for Williamson County, ...
SHERMAN, Texas (KXII) - Registration is open for Sherman ISD’s early education programs. The district offers Pre-Kindergarten ...